Sunday, December 6, 2009

From a New Year long gone...

I'm lying in bed thinking about infinite space. I had a dream the other night about "infiniteness" and woke up rather startled, as if God was looking down and saying "don't think about that, it's dangerous". I felt like I was being watched. The dream is hard to explain as most are. I was only left with the essence of it. It seemed to go something like this: If we as humans were able to see infinity all at once, in a small frame, a space that makes sense to us in our everyday lives, it would be as if ordinary objects could multiply themselves out of thin air. Written it seems to make little sense. It was most likely my brain doing some kind of a somersault into a belly flop. A few minutes ago I was pondering a description I had read of the Big Bang. All of space and matter contracting tighter and tighter until it was the size of a single point, heavier and hotter than two teenagers at a drive-in movie. This unlike a bomb ready to explode, because a bomb explodes somewhere in space at a particular time. This is all of space contracting so there is no space, there is nothing but the point. And with no space as we know it, there can be no time as we know it and everything is frozen. My first thought is, how can anything, any "event" occur outside of space and time? For the Big Bang to be an event, it seems that it would have to be executed at a particular time in a particular place. But we already know that time is not definite or constant anyhow. It seems that the billionth of a second prior to a Big Bang and the immediate moment following one surely exist, but what happens to the bang itself? If we picture space and matter contracting, we can visualize everything in all universes, planets and stars etc. getting closer and closer together so the amount of empty space is shrinking. It also seems then that time should be getting slower as all matter starts to cling together and become more massive. Does time just get slower and slower as the universes contract until it all stops at the peak, the very peak with all of existance in suspended animation? How long would it stop for? How would it begin again? How shall I ever be able to fall asleep now? Perhaps in this...

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